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Baby Elephant interrupts newscaster
Watch til the end. It's worth it.

TheoryNumber3 8 Nov 16
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Those lovelies are: Tsavo's Red Elephants
" The red elephants of Tsavo are the ONLY red elephants in the world. Actually, they are really the same color as every other elephant in the world, but they just appear red due to constantly dust-bathing with the Park’s fine red volcanic soil. Over 10,000 of them inhabit the Park, so the chances of seeing one are hopefully pretty high. "


Diaco Level 7 Nov 16, 2023

A story in our ABC news or perhaps it was, told of a scientific discovery that Elephants call each other by name. Very low rumblings which needs special equipment to differentiate each rumble call. The researchers managed to correctly identify 20% accurately and the rest they suspect was "chatter to several elephants, The instruments for further testing of this "chatter"does not exist yet.
Please remind me what are the dumb stupid animals on this planet??

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