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Vivid example of the efficacy of gun control laws ...[]

Philip21 8 Feb 24
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Actually gun control laws are very effective in the countries that have them.

Theresa_N Level 8 Feb 24, 2021

With a gun, you got a greater chance of shooting someone you know than the criminals. Plus three times greater chance of killing yourself than someone else. Wish Americans were aware of this.
Nobody owns a gun in my circle.

And a chance of being shot by your own children with your gun, Over 40 a year die this way


Your suppose to keep your gun in a safety vault, safe from children. So when your burglar comes, your too late or you forget the combination.

Excellent point. The same could be said about cars, only they kill many more people.


Gun are designed to kill, where cars are designed to be useful athough accidents happen.

Here is10 states where guns kill more people than cars. US is the only County where there is more guns than people.

Nevada -- Gun-related death rate: 15.36 per 100,000; Motor-vehicle death rate: 9.65 per 100,000.

  1. Alaska -- Gun death rate: 14.89; Motor-vehicle death rate: 12.03.

  2. Arizona -- Gun death rate: 12.98; Motor-vehicle death rate: 12.27.

  3. Colorado -- Gun death rate: 11.60; Motor-vehicle death rate: 11.24.

  4. Indiana -- Gun death rate: 11.44; Motor-vehicle death rate: 11.13.

  5. Michigan -- Gun death rate: 10.98; Motor-vehicle death rate: 9.80.

  6. Oregon -- Gun death rate: 10.90; Motor-vehicle death rate: 10.30.

  7. Virginia -- Gun death rate: 10.61; Motor-vehicle death rate: 10.49.

  8. Washington state -- Gun death rate: 9.35; Motor-vehicle death rate: 8.70.

  9. Utah -- Gun death rate: 9.34; Motor-vehicle death rate: 9.19.

Car accident deaths are actually declining nationwide, but gun-related deaths "continue unabated -- the direct result of the failure of policymakers to acknowledge and act on this ubiquitous and too often ignored public health problem," the Violence Policy Center's analysis states.

Estimate of civilian firearms per 100 persons
1 United States 120.5
2 Falkland Islands 62.1
3 Yemen 52.8
4 New Caledonia 42.5


were it only that easy

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