4 9

Trump supporters, ugh! Lol

MichelleGar1 9 Mar 8
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You're giving them too much credit.

Kynlei Level 8 Mar 8, 2021

We tend to knock "internet" research...but there's smart ways and dependable sources to do web/internet research....and there's not so smart.

Best/fastest guide? look at the 2-3-4 letters at the end.

dot com sites depend on advertisers to pay for their sites.
So do dot orgs....but to get "organization" web rights, you often have to be non profit.
Then there's the dot edu's...for educational (non-profit). Now you're going to a dependable source.
Dot govs are usually dependable....but you need to know the bias of the government source.
Dot info is special, and rare. I've never known of any for-profit dot info's.

And then there's your search tools, or search "engines". (I've never been comfortable with the "engine" descriptor.). Google is by far the most well known...but there are others.

By all means -- research what you read - especially if you get that nagging feeling that it's not quite right.

Then copy and paste the website.

If you have images - especially graphs and charts - that helps...but don't forget to give the source for the graph or chart.

Here's a "link" where you can fact-check me to see if what I "resurched" on the web is correct;


@Robecology Thanks!

Let me add these interesting charts to let you see which news source is the least - and most - biased. I have several of these; and they often research "media guide chart" to find the latest.

Here's a classic dot info site that I often use; It's very interactive, but not very "user-friendly"...experiment with it...



And antivaxxers, and...

jeshuey Level 8 Mar 8, 2021

@jeshuey LMAO!!! So true!



@bookofmorons Do it!!!!

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