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Westside Story?

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 6
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And when they meet the bacteria, they blow up to three times their size and start pissing out antibodies?

racocn8 Level 9 Apr 6, 2021

@racocn8 They don't go into a dancing duel? Lol

@MichelleGar1 I don't remember particulars, and much more is surely known now, but the B-cells that churn out the antibodies, these B-cells initially have unique antibodies on their cell membrane. They contact the antigen (glycoprotein on bacterial coat) and then activate either by themselves, or in contact with other white blood cells, particularly T-cells. The contact with other cells seems to help the activation that then converts the B-cell into an antibody factory called a plasmacyte.

@racocn8 He says as he hangs his white lab coat on the hook , next to the micro biology doctorate on the wall..I'm Impressed.. Fauci got nothing on @racocn8. 😂

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