5 9

Hattie! Lol!!!

MichelleGar1 9 Apr 8
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What? I thought Red Lobster was fancy eating🤔

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 10, 2021

Poor Hattie is desperate. Someone should take her out so she doesn’t have to resort to prostitution at age 85 to get an enjoyable meal. If she wants to contact me, I’ll take her to Red Lobster.

I don’t let men take me out, I usually go alone or pay for my meal so there are no expectations.

@Killtheskyfairy Some women at that age miss sex too. She's not prostituting herself, she's owning her sexuality, big difference.

I work with the elderly and I hear some of these women tell me how much they miss having sex

@MichelleGar1 she didn’t say she missed sex, she said she’d suck cock for Red Lobster. Big difference.

@Killtheskyfairy Different opinions, unless we ask her! Big difference!

@MichelleGar1 I’m taking her at what she wrote and not trying to put words in her mouth 👄 or a cock.


Yeah if you are "28+" you should be happy to get the McDonald's dollar menu...
You know damned well by 28+ she really means "pushing 40 at least and still can't someone to pay her bills for her...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I liked Destiny's and Hattie's answer's, they were the best! Lol

@MichelleGar1 Yeah they shot her down for the greedy gold digging loser she is... Why are so many women more interested in what a guy buys them than in what the guy really is?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I don't know why. I like spending time with metalhead222, we don't have to go anywhere! The best part is just lying in bed together watching TV.


Destiny was cool, Hattie slayed!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 8, 2021

Does that take the biscuit?

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