This is why grammar is important.
There again strong OH&S regulations requiring an on site hygenic toilet for the workers would obviate this dirty van problem.
I’ve had this happen with all generations so I’m usually specific to an insulting level so they can’t make a mistake. I work with French, Mexicans, Brazilians, etc. on daily basis so learned my lesson.
No one shitting in KtSFairy's wagon! No matter the ethnicity!
@FrayedBear oh I see! Inter generational hate is fine but recognizing language barriers and working around them is somehow wrong. GTFOH
@Killtheskyfairy narf
think he meant something else tho
@bbyrd009 sure
@Killtheskyfairy lmao off at your reaction to my praise of your abilities & concern.
@FrayedBear laughing at what you consider praise
@Killtheskyfairy no laughing at your reaction & replies proving the point which is identified in my response to Len above.
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.