There's a shop in Scotland that sells banana and tuna pizza. Also in Sweden, they have banana-ham-peanut-curry pizza. Apparently someone likes it or they wouldn't sell it.
I personally want to vom at the thought of even eating a hot banana. This is an abomination and a waste of food, in my opinion.
Used to get some from where I used Melbourne, really liked them, wasn’t the same toppings, but this guy is doing a variation with banana still Mojo’s Weird Pizza.
Mmm banana goes surprisingly well with capers
Yeah, because I sure as hell ain't eating it!
Unadventurous small "c" conservative!
The cooking will probably concentrate the sugars in the banana & make it seem much sweeter.
@FrayedBear Why do I want a sweeter pizza? The sauce is sufficient for that, then I want contrast flavors. Dessert can wait. & not unadventurous, per se, just at my age I have an idea of what I'd find palatable, & that ain't it.
@phxbillcee lol. Bill I'm older than you and still look for the new tastes & experience. We are all different & you're right - I shouldn't judgementally label!
@phxbillcee PS I frequently have desert before main course and love fruit with meat instead of vegetables.
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