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Double your pleasure, double your fun...

phxbillcee 10 Aug 3
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Squeak, Squeak, squeak, SQUEAK, squeak, Sorry forgot to turn the mike on the computer off !

Fernapple Level 9 Aug 4, 2021

Now there's an idea. 🤩

freedom41 Level 9 Aug 4, 2021

And a red light in every nose job?

What about buttocks? A fart pillow?

Or goose honker?

@FrayedBear How about a clown horn in all ball sacks? LMAO!!!

@MichelleGar1 I never heard of plastic surgery on scrotums. How does that work & what for?
. . .
I remember. The skin is sometimes stretched up to the glans on the penis because some ignorant barbarian ordered circumcision on an unknowing child, the skin became infected and rotted away all down the shaft. The poor bloke then ended up with a hairy penis.
I think the plastic surgeon should be carving on the parents foreheads "barbarian".

@FrayedBear Comedy sex with a clown horn in ball sacks, everytime the balls smash up against whoever they're having sex with the horn blow's!

@MichelleGar1 you raise an interesting & very important issue. I never forget a Polish friend commenting on how compared to continental lovers Australians & English are silent in their lovemaking because they are still imbued with the Victorian prudery. I would suggest a triumphal brass band rather than clownish noise.

@FrayedBear Ah man, you're taking all fun away! Her squeaky tits, and his clown horn ball's! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I never said that I agreed with squeaky tits. My preference is for orgasmic moans - I once had a lover who I could get to orgasm through breast & nipple touch. I eventually got her to react the same way by licking her nose.
Now that's what I call fun & double fun!

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