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Sometimes the stupid can be deadly

glennlab 10 Aug 4
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And just whom is being stupid here, the ones who decline an experimental injection, or the ones who take it? If these shots are really so wonderful and effective, then the ones who DO take them have no reason at all to fear those of us who DON'T take them, right? If those of us who don't want to get jabbed die off, so what? WHY would the ones who do get jabbed care? They get to live and I die, and then they get to dance and piss on my grave, right? What's not to like there??

Logician Level 7 Aug 6, 2021

Please read about Patrick King, the guy who just won his lawsuit in Alberta Canada over the $1,200 ticket he got for not wearing a mask at a group rally they have once a week. The Chief Medical Officer of Health was subpoenaed for direct evidence that the alleged virus which was the basis for the citation, actually existed. She could not present such direct evidence, so the ticket for the violation of the face mask requirement had to be VOIDED!!! There is no Covid-19 virus nor any of its alleged variants!! It's ALL a bunch of hogwash!! Case closed.

Logician Level 7 Aug 6, 2021

Hard to put a "laugh" emoji next to this still amazes me - and angers me - the number of unscientific #religulous we have out there...



KateOahu Level 8 Aug 4, 2021
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