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Death is nature's way of telling you it is time to slow down.

glennlab 10 Oct 14
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People that believe in communism and governments kill people too


To be fair, people kill people--period.

The motivation behind their willingness to kill is the main problem. Jealousy, greed, and hate are the main motivations.

@Betty and as I have often said, religion is an excuse to exercise the greed and hate. It sounds SO much better to say, "god gave this land to me" than, "I want your land and I'm going to take it."


Never the god but always the fan club


Well Glenn, if I get any slower, I might as well be dead!! 🤣

It'll get better, the docs just take time.

@glennlab This is teaching me patience that's for sure!! 🤣

@Redheadedgammy I spent 2 and a half years getting all my meds balanced and final diagnoses, I still average about one dr visit a month all year, but I'm still kicking.

@glennlab oh gawd Glenn, I hope it doesn't take me that long to get things figured out!! I never realized how debilitating asthma could be. 😒

@Redheadedgammy Hopefully it won't, I had a lot of problems and they kept treating symptoms rather than address the causes. Now it is maintenance and monitoring to make sure nothing gets worse.

@glennlab I used to only see my doc once a year after we got things figured out. Now that I amfighting Big Pharma I have to see her every 6 months. 🙂

@glennlab I am glad you finally got some relief Glenn. That must have been hell for you.

@glennlab, @DenoPenno Doesn't that tick you off? Why do the drug companies even have a say about what you and your doctor decide is right for you?

@Redheadedgammy It took 10 years for the first diagnosis, 2 years for the cure, then 10 years to get the VA to approve my disability, then several more years to finally get into a good system. I'm down 2 GP visits + ALL the specialist visits plus the CTs, MRIs, and post op visits per year.

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