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How the Puritans Thanksgiving should have gone.

backtobasics 7 Nov 20
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Natives in my part of the country have more benefits than white people. They have their own hospitals with free Healthcare they don't have to pay to drive on the toll way and they own all the casinos. Most natives here you can't tell apart from white people, due to the fact you can be less than 1% of one of the tribes and get access to all the benefits.

Tejas Level 8 Nov 22, 2024

Most natives in your part of the country were forced to relocate off their ancestral lands at the point of a gun, and many died on their way to the Oklahoma Indian Territories. The rights you are so jealous of were in exchange for giving up their way of life and their lands at the point of a gun and were promised by treaties.

@backtobasics cry me a river. Like the Indians weren't killing each other for land food and women long before we showed up. This land was conquered fair and square. People came here and civilized the land. Indians could have done the same when they immigrated here but they generally stayed nomadic.

@Tejas This land was conquered yes, but fair, that is another question entirely. The country was civilized long before we came here. See the history of the Iroquois Confederacy, the very group that the US Constitution is based on. The nomadic peoples were the plains Indians that were in effect ranchers that followed the migration of the buffalo fro Canada to the Gulf of Mexico., in many cases burning the grass behind them to leave new growth for the trip back. Read up on the history of the native peoples before you make broad misstatements.

If not for the Indians, the Anglo settlers would have starved to death when they first got here.

Remember, the Indians were given Oklahoma because it was so worthless that those in power thought that no one in their right mind would want it.

@backtobasics I didn't make any misstatements. I don't see anything about our constitution bring based on any native values. In fact the first country's that were a republic at all started in Europe. I'm dating a native so I think I'd know better than you.

@Tejas I was a history minor, so I will trust my judgement over yours.

@backtobasics as you should. Ignorance is bliss

@Tejas You would know better than anyone

@backtobasics I mean I live in native land and im dating one so I do definitely know more than you.

@Tejas I probably have 50 years more experience in native lands than you and a hell of a lot more academic credentials. You are the type of person that thinks because you know one black or Native American you know everything about them. How many Pow Wows have you taken part in? How many spiritual quests? How many archeological digs? How many repatriations? How many different nations have you visited?

@backtobasics I know many native people from many different tribes mostly Cherokee and Creek. I grew up in the south I know many black people too. North Texas where you live is very flat and not very diverse. I've visited 2 other continents besides north America. I have zero archeological experience but I've found a few arrow heads. I doubt you've done much outside of a classroom. Stop with the virtue signaling posts, I see right past it.

@Tejas So you know some of the lower plains Indians, I have been involved with over 20 different Indian nations and multiple tribe within each. If you want to get into travels. Europe. Africa, Asia, Australia, and South America, but I haven't finished yet so I have one continent to go. I hate cold weather, so I probably won't make it.

Just so that you know, there is no place that you can live in North or South America that is not Native American territory. This land was fully occupied in 1492. I donated my collection burial urn fragments to the Native American Museum in Denver. Arrowheads were something we could gather in the woods outside town where I grew up. I have spent more time outside North Texas than in it, but how quaint that you would assume that sine I live in North Texas i have never seen the Hopi or Anasazi or been in a sweat lodge/ You have no idea of how far outside the classroom I have gone. You test my limits of civility . Had you been able to finish high school, you might have learned something.


Might have solved a lot of problems


Great movie.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 21, 2024

Seems fair to me!

pamagain Level 8 Nov 20, 2024
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