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I'll be honest. There isn't a patriotic bone in my body. Why the fuck am I suppose to be proud of things I had nothing to do with? Like where I was born?

Rudy1962 9 June 9
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I am a vet & I served to protect our freedoms, not to curtail them!

phxbillcee Level 10 June 10, 2018

tRump & his chicken-hawk cronies suck & have no idea of true patriotism!


Wow I really gotta stop stereotyping Americans. I thought you were all indoctrinated into flag, national anthem, american history from the time you were born. Overblown nationalism fuels wars and frankly it's a bit of a wank. I hate it when we do it in my country.

I am proud of my country for the ideals it was founded on. But I think we have outgrown the systems our founding fathers envisioned and change will come, be it violent or otherwise.
I worry about this nation and it's current social and political climate. I wonder about the willfully ignorant and bigoted having such a voice now. It's embarassing and maddening to watch. I can only hope the noise they are making heralds their demise and not their rise.

@Freespirit64 How we are now is really no different than how we've always been. It's really not. From this nation's inception, it's always been populated with bigots, racists, misogynists, con men, liars, thieves, and every other horrible kind of person. We are just more aware of it now because of technology. That's the only difference. We haven't "changed" at all.

@KKGator I wish I could give you a million likes for this

I had an "ideal" about what my country was supposed to represent when I was young. things I thought we were supposed to live up to. The story is a great one, & one to aspire to, but the more one looks thru our history you see that it has seldom, if ever, been lived up to. I'm mad about that. I believe that many in my country want that ideal we have in our hearts. That we & our ideals really should be something to look up to & aspire to. That we are supposed to be that "shining city on the hill". Our country has been, for some time, taken over by petty & narrow-minded & greedy bureaucrats & oligarchs to distort our identity & feed the majority of the populace bullshit instead of truth & honesty! I still strive for the ideal I envisioned in my youth & think that if we are to survive as a nation we have to adhere to those values to continue to exist!


Neither am I, don't have anything to do with the flag and what it stands for or doesn't stand for. Could care less. There are a lot of people out there that blow this shit way out of proportion. Too much power and control in the wrong way that has messed up a lot of people.


And I 19,000 years.. everyone forgot


I think "patriotism" is rather ridiculous. It makes too many people do and say
really stupid things.

KKGator Level 9 June 9, 2018

I hope we become that country again.

Vickylyn Level 6 June 9, 2018

We were never "that country".

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