12 16

I'm just a girl, standing in front of you, hoping these make your drink come out your nose.

OpposingOpposum 9 June 26
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Lmao! I love your posts!

Livinlife Level 9 June 26, 2018



OMG.. so funny.. good ones 😀


And now my phone is sticky.

I won't ask the exact provenance of the stickiness in question!?

@Blindbird Wouldn't you like to know? ?



BeeHappy Level 9 June 26, 2018

But when that person’s pants ripped, the person behind was experiencing “The Sounds of Silence”...

Vipyr82 Level 7 June 26, 2018

Don’t know if that woman should call a chiropractor or a proctologist.

Vipyr82 Level 7 June 26, 2018

Whoever took that picture of that woman must had a falling out....I mean the photographer probably got too close to her gravitational pull and had to be pooped out.

Vipyr82 Level 7 June 26, 2018

With the Winnie the Pooh one I for some reason didn’t think of how weird that was as a child..


Too funny. I was working as a propbuilder (carpenter) on the Midnight Texas set in Albuquerque when my pants had a blowout like that. I don't wear underwear, luckily my hammer acted as partial cover. I thought I had a back up pair of jeans in the car, but I was screwed that day

zorialoki Level 8 June 26, 2018

Nice word choice, lol

@Blindbird Neither men nor women said a fucking word. I was surprised and a great bit relieved about their professionalism. Shit happens, and you deal with it the best you can


I put my drink down before opening the link. I'm glad you warned me.

JimG Level 8 June 26, 2018



Lol! Mission accomplished, my friend!

mek7730 Level 7 June 26, 2018



We have the typical cleavage, I heard of under breast (reverse) cleavage, ass crack cleavage, toe cleavage, camel toe (cleavage) and recently hip cleavage but I hope back cleavage does not become a thing!

Lukian Level 8 June 26, 2018

Haven't been down to the US much lately have ya?

@Blindbird lmao

@Blindbird I don’t go to the US often, but when I do, I avoid Walmart’s and all you can eat buffets.
Stay healthy my friend!

@Lukian I try but pizza and mountain dew tempt me mightily.

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