5 16

FYI... I noticed that there are a lot of people looking at meme's but not even liking them. It is customary here to at least like a post in order to help the poster to gain points. You get points for liking just as much as the poster. You also get points for commenting.
Let's all help out here as much as possible as a community effort. It's all about the community.

Captnron59 9 July 4
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Might I also suggest that maybe some people don't comment for the sake of time? I stepped away from the site for a couple days, to find a couple hundred posts in my feed, so as matter for time (not) spent, I ignored many memes, liked some, and commented on none. There are some memes that I reviewed that I disagree with; I won't "like" memes that are misogynistic, bigoted, racist, xenophobic, etc. I also read some political memes that were completely inaccurate in how the poor and working poor were portrayed - so, no, I won't like those either.

There are multiple reasons why someone might view, yet neither "like" or comment on a post; maybe we shouldn't read too much into it?


I'm sure I can do better. Thanks for the reminder

Livinlife Level 9 July 4, 2018

I always try to like, sometimes I have nothing to say so they don't get a comment

zorialoki Level 8 July 4, 2018

I enter a thread and realize once in the poster can see I looked... but points or no points I click only if I it’s somthing I like. It’s not personal... some of the memes are horrible while others are awsome... I will not change to appease the point gatherers... and if you wouldn’t mind clicking like on this, for the points🙂

@Captnron59 but if I look and don’t like I have naught to do with the other 9... anyway, the coffee is hot... I’m gonna give you a pitty click just this once, don’t spend it all on one place.

@Captnron59 lol

@Captnron59 lol


Sorry sometimes I forget! I'm going to try harder!

SukiSue Level 8 July 4, 2018
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