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There are no words to discibe a tangerine fuhrer that allows a man ro put up instructions to make real plastic guns. More school shootings, robberies and the terrorists would love this

Boogey 8 July 31
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New tech always has negative unintended side effects. There was going to be some dick to put the plans up. Since the first one in 2013, there are now 7 different gun plans on the internet with over 100,000 downloads all over the world. The cat is out of the bag on this one, it's our reality from now on. I do not support it but I don't see how to stop this one.

@Boogey no he doesn't care. It made him famous so it's unlikely he ever will but who knows


Yet otherwise rational people continue to support this lunatic. Just fuck this country.

GuyKeith Level 8 July 31, 2018

When he says "doesn't seem to make much sense" I have no idea what he's referring to.
Wouldn't the NRA oppose the whole 3D plastic gun industry as it would probably take a lot of money from their traditional gun manufacturers? (I'm sure they don't give a damn if the guns are used to bring down planes or shoot up schools. It's all about the cash, as always.)

dkp93 Level 8 July 31, 2018

@Boogey So I've heard the printer costs around $250K. Obviously too much for your low level criminal or redneck gunhumper. However, there are still plenty of people who could afford it and start a business selling the guns. I'm sure the criminals and gunhumpers would be happy to pay a little extra for an untraceable, undetectable gun.

@Boogey I wonder if the usual rules would even apply to them. Might not be illegal at all. This is new territory.

@dkp93, that's $250K if you want to make it out of metal. In case anyone is wondering if a printed metal gun could hold up for multiple shots, the answer is yes. I toured the Space-X factory and saw them printing rocket nozzles.

On the other hand, if all you want is a single shot, or maybe two, you could print the gun with a cheap plastic printer. After a shot or two you could crush it and toss it into recycle.

@mcgeo52 I didn't know that. I thought all of this was strictly about plastic guns. Thank you for the clarification.


Luckily, a federal judge has put a temporary stop to this.
Unfortunately, it may already be far too late, and the damage is done.
Maybe someone will shoot 45 with a plastic gun. We can hope.

KKGator Level 9 July 31, 2018

As much as I despise that miserable sob, I would hate to see him martyred by his brain dead base.

@Boogey So let's charge the arrogant fucker with first degree murder when people get killed with his creation.

A stop at this point is basically useless. The files are out.

@Boogey I watched him last night. He's not that young.

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