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Lost one of my heroes today. I had lunch with him way back in the 90s and liked him right away. He'll be missed. War hero/ great Senator/ a man for the people

Boogey 8 Aug 25
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He deserves respect.

Livinlife Level 9 Aug 25, 2018

An honorable status


I shall forever remember at a town hall, when McCain was running against Obama, when his followers said they were scared of Obama, that he arab. And McCain defended him and said he was an upstanding person.

In fact, I have heard that Obama is slated to deliver the eulogy at McCain's funeral.

RPardoe Level 7 Aug 25, 2018

@Boogey Like on one of the many ACA repeal votes, when McCain came out of conference (I guess they were trying to twist his arm big time) and voted thumbs down to send that effort to defeat. Stood up for what he believes, and likely for what his constituents wanted.

@Boogey And Trump returns the favor by not even mentioning McCain's name when he signed the recent John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act.

OK..this sidebar can become a distraction.

Let's focus on McCain's character, and his life.

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