9 17

Hang on to your hats Wilmington North Carolina!

Kojaksmom 8 Sep 9
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I heard this morning that it’s supposed to stall when it hits land. You are in my thoughts. I just went through that last year with Harvey.

ballou Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

Thank you! I'm about as prepared as I could possibly be but....... this is a very organized category 4 hurricane that may come straight at me.

@Kojaksmom Be very careful!


As long as theirs beer

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 9, 2018

You are brilliant!

LEPeff Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

It looks like Florence is going to be a major hurricane. Lots of rain, too, for areas that don't need it.

GuyKeith Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

Yeah it's another fran


I'm just hoping its not going to be like another Fran. Fran hit the coast as a category 3 and plowed straight through North Carolina. Fran took down one out of every three of our trees.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

I dealt with Hugo in 1989. We lost power for 10 days in Charlotte.

I am volunteering with the Red Cross now so I’ll likely be dealing with the effects of Florence in some form.

@BudFrank at this point, I'd prepare for the worst. Thank you for your service.




Great concept and I have actually done this. Drains away the melted ice. However, be sure to turn off the breaker to the Washing machine.

GuyKeith Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

And don't fuck with the dials while the power is off, otherwise when the power comes back on you get another kind of golden shower.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 9, 2018

Gotta have priorities.

Umbral Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

Hell yeah. Oh, and you can put more than beer in there. LOL

Oh, and you can use your dishwasher as a place to store important papers and pictures. Just put everything in freezer bags, seal them well, and put them into the dishwasher and close the door completely.

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