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there can be all kinds of ways the fight starts

glennlab 10 Sep 14
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I used to cohabitate with the ice woman, her hands and feet were always cold as ice.

zorialoki Level 8 Sep 15, 2018

Payback is not off the table...?


I am not a hot water bottle!

Umbral Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

What is wrong with that? ????

Zoohome Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

I'm a snugger, not a foot warmer. But heck I put up with it for years. And it never ceased being her.


Attack with the cold feet & steal the blankets!!! Wimmuns is evil!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 14, 2018

Wimmuns went over to the dark side...if we were Christians we could blame it on Eve...BUT WE ARE NOT...SO THEY B EVIL...


When you live alone, you wear socks.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 14, 2018

@Captnron59 Whatever works for ya. I don't like having cold feet. Socks are a good way to prevent that.

@Captnron59, @KKGator Even if I wear nothing else in the winter, I now wear socks when it's cold. Have crap circulation in the lower legs & if they get too cold not only will the rest of me, but I'll start to cramp big time! Not worth the macho posing...I'll wear, if I'm with someone I can pretend I'm in one of those old pornos from the '50's!!!


I don't see the problem LOL

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 14, 2018

I would be the one getting the cold ass feet on me. Like where is your blood circulating to? Sure isn't your damn feet!

Hey, stranger! Your profile said you haven't posted since early August...I thought you'd left us!

@phxbillcee really? wow.. no, I been here the entire time.. slowed down a bit now with work but still floating around out here, but thanks for bringing that to my attention, I wonder why it says that. I have posted stuff and commented on things all month.

@mistymoon77 Ah, so I'm not crazy (well, at least about this!!!) you saw that, too?!?

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