4 6

Ok they can run down the field and feel the jersies

Boogey 8 Sep 20
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This is like wiping your butt before you poop! Blind person says to a non-blind person, let's listen to the game. Blind person says it's number six, and it's in brale!

That's like trump wants the wall to be cosmetically pleasing on our side. Why in the fuck would I go to the border to see a pretty, but useless wall!?


that's like notice at he drive thru ATM, all the keys are marked in braille.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 20, 2018

Yeah, but that's because all the keys for all the ATM's are. Especially the walk-up ones, which are used by blind folks. That way replacement is easy on any of the machines.

The drive through ATM I can get. Blind person "can you give me a ride to the ATM"? They sit in the back behind the drivers seat.


Oh, My Dawg! That cannot be real!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 20, 2018

@Boogey Even the MLB cannot be that stupid! Okay, maybe they can, but we'd still hear the laughter reverberating! Except for the deaf folks out there, of course!!!

@Boogey Well, many deaf females probably would want to get close enough to feel those uniforms!


So what do they do? Rub it thru the radio?

Bakunin Level 7 Sep 20, 2018
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