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Slap me if I'm wrong, the white guy is John Goodman

Boogey 8 Sep 20
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Walter Sobchak....

Humanist5 Level 6 Sep 22, 2018

I'm an American mutt. No problem at all with the mutt part, bummed as hell that this country doesn't often live up to the American part!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 20, 2018

HEY! I love that! We're all mutts to greater degrees than most people imagine. Who knows the names of all eight great grandparents? There's a century. Add just another 20 or 30 more centuries to the MIX..

@Silver1wun Considering the number of invasions (with rape & pillage being major factors), mass & individual migrations, & philandering of all sorts, there is no such thing as a "pure" anything!

@phxbillcee Oh so correct. Lest we forget, there have always been gardeners, 'house-boys' and later milkmen and pool men... Sure makes a mockery of geneology sites and lots of surprises for people in terms of their expected DNA results. 😛


I'm not proud to be ANYTHING! I had no control over my birth.

Galihad_Z Level 7 Sep 20, 2018

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