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Proof god exists, but isn't as powerful as the gheys.

educatedredneck 7 Sep 22
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Lol. Funny!

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 22, 2018

This honestly made me laugh! But in 'god's" defense he's probably a little rusty. The last time he had to smite a city was Sodom. Probably hasn't been practicing. lol

Funny thing about Sodom. It would have existed around 1900BC, a time which had a life expectancy of around 18 years. If you distribute that over the population of a city you find that well over half the people killed would have been children under the age of 18.


Christians HATE that the LGBT Community has taken their "Godly Rainbow"...Haha it bitches.

As do us old hippies.

@dartagnan6666 hmmm for what its worth though "Us old hippies (me included)" will be gone someday and LGBT will live on...I can only speak for myself when I say...they are more than welcome to it...they have certainly had to pay their dues for it. Namaste

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