Have you been watching me sleep?!?
Shhh.........you weren't supposed to know
Change of life catching up with you???
Not yet
@zorialoki Had a companion a number of years back that suffered from 'hot flashes' quite often. Got damn chilly in that bedroom at times!
@phxbillcee I can imagine
Well it caught up to me
@Livinlife Guys can go thru a modified & much less severe form of the "change of life", but very rarely even close to what many women have to endure. As sexist as it is, many men can relate to the Jewish 'prayer', "Thank god for not making me a woman!" I love y'all, but I am so glad I'm male! We have our own problems, in many ways, but we are so lucky to dodge that biological bullet! Please, this is not meant to be sexist, men & women are different physically, & there are many reasons for that, but it comes with a price, & I'm just being honest when I say that I'm glad I don't have to pay it! Okay,....proceed with the dismemberment!
@phxbillcee lol who, me? Seriously though, its not a bit sexist to acknowledge the differences between genders. Its simply acknowledging it. No dismembering required
@Livinlife I'm so glad you recognize that. Let's see if that's universal!
@phxbillcee should be fun
@Livinlife Fun. Yeah. LOL!
@phxbillcee lol
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