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The only Canadian I want to see deported.

glennlab 10 Sep 23
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Justin Bieber or Raphael Cruz ????? My Canadians friends said it is not even a choice, "EH"
They would take Justin Bieber hands down.

Eirteacher Level 7 Sep 23, 2018

Hypocrisy and stupidity . I wanna vomit in my mouth looking at him ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

I don't think Canada would take him back!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 23, 2018

we can just ship him in a plain brown box, with no return address.


Couldn't agree with you more....first let's get him defeated.

Krysia22 Level 7 Sep 23, 2018

my previous reply disappeared, but I said we are doing everything we can to send him to the unemployment line and a bunch of other stuff a I can't remember.

@glennlab Getting old's a bitch, ain't it!!!???!!!


Canada sure as hell doesn't want his sorry ass.

Since he gave up his Canadian citizenship 2 years ago, they wouldn't have to, but maybe we could visit him on some unsuspecting third country like Cuba.

@glennlab Syria

@phoenixone1 Yemen!

@phxbillcee @glennlab wouldn't we be accused of war crimes if we sent Cruz to any of those countries?? I am sure there are laws against torture ?

@nikkir I don't think he would survive in an environment where he was not protected by entitlement. He got elected by pretending to be Mexican, in a state where Cubans look down on all other Hispanics.

@glennlab he would get shot for just being the pos man that he is. Maybe sending him to one of those countries might not be a bad idea ?


But wait, what about Beiber? He has GOT to go, too.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 23, 2018

We'll suffer thru Beiber if they'll promise to keep Cruz.

@glennlab I'm with you, Glenn!

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