7 18

I'd like to thank each and every member who have sent me suggestions as to how to "improve" "Memes R Us" Group . After a full 20 second of deliberation I have decided to change nothing.
I am aware we are now only the third most popular group on Agnostic. Apparently people prefer actually talking to members of the opposite sex and kinky sex to the joy of stealing and reposting memes? The fools! Their loss.
To summarize:

  1. Memes are life
  2. This is NOT a democracy
  3. I will come and go at will and REFUSE to monitor, or take sides in disagreements over, content.
  4. The many violations of my no posting pictures of Croc style shoes rule have not gone unnoticed. You all should be ashamed!
  5. The suggestion box is now closed.
EricTrommater 9 Sep 25
You must be a member of this group before commenting. Join Group

Enjoy being online again!

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Feel free to reply to any comment by clicking the "Reply" button.


When did you start Putin those glasses on ?

Rudy1962 Level 9 Sep 25, 2018

fucking A right , Ralph (extra points if you can correctly name the movie this is from)

glennlab Level 10 Sep 25, 2018

"The Honeymooners"??? LOL!

@phxbillcee The nine lives of Fritz the Cat.


Jahwohl, Mine Fur-her!

phxbillcee Level 10 Sep 25, 2018


@EricTrommater You just knew I had to do it!!!

@phxbillcee always a fucking rebel.

@EricTrommater I'll agree with the rebel part, not a lot of fucking going on, unfortunately!


Beat US Some More....please...

@gebulldog *morale. I don't think we have many morals.


It is what it is! I like it

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 25, 2018


You're doing it ALL wrong!!!


KKGator Level 9 Sep 25, 2018

Pretty much....


Those are the wrong fucking color and the wrong fucking shape. Piss off.

Duke Level 8 Sep 25, 2018

Oh wait... sorry. I thought I was talking to my mom.

@Duke I will turn this car around and we will walk!

@kkgator started it!!!

@Duke Stop looking at me!!!!!!

@KKGator SLUG-BUG!!!

@duke blind slug-bug!!!!

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