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Nasty divorce

Captnron59 9 Sep 26
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I once heard a story about a guy who was getting married to his long time girlfriend. The woman had a big dowry from her family for the wedding, which of course she looked forward to as the event of a lifetime for her. At the reception the groom stood up to propose a toast. He then asked everyone to look at the pic that was attached to the bottom of each champagne glass. It was a picture of the bride in bed with the best man. I guess he had suspicions and hired a private investigator to look into her. At the toast he announced that he had the marriage annulled and presented her with the appropriate paper work in front of her entire family and at the expense of the dowry which had been set up by her family like a college fund since she was young...

If this is true, then I would have loved to be at the reception.


I remember reading an article a while ago about a guy I think in Germany that's ex wife was granted half of everything. He literally cut almost everything in half. Including the car! That picture was classic.


Half is better than

nikkir Level 7 Sep 26, 2018

Wonder who ended up with the better half.


Nah, they still have the roof.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 26, 2018

I'd hate if dogs or kids were involved.

KKGator Level 9 Sep 26, 2018


Galihad_Z Level 7 Sep 26, 2018
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