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I've been looking for a definition of all the acronyms people post

glennlab 10 Sep 29
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When the bowels of ICU or SICU patient finally moving and the brown baby is delivered = there is a nurse on her knees thanking lord and crying tears of joy ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Sep 29, 2018

Thanking lord? Really?

@Bakunin it's an inside joke in atheist medical community sir . We do all the work , lord gets the credit for , we use to that s by now ?

@glennlab are u getting ready for your road trip sir ???!!!! Are u excited ?????

@Pralina1 I'm getting ready right now. Last load of clothes is in the dryer, I'll do my sheet and pillow cases tomorrow( I like coming back and not having to do anything right away) and get everything laid out so all I have to do is pack the car Monday afternoon. The VA called Friday to set up a surgery followup for Monday, so that changed my Monday schedule radically, but I'm nothing if not flexible. I'll do the shopping for my roommate after the doctor visit, so I'm going to lose a few hours there. I finished all the tax returns that I had, double checked my routes and reservations and made sure the places I plan on stopping will be open. I still haven't decided what I am doing after next Sunday, but that is an eternity away at this point. Thanks for asking.

@glennlab man ! U r superman today ! ??

@Pralina1 I just don't let anything get between me and my fun times if I can help it.

@glennlab yes . That's a " planner ". I can relate and proud of it .


PSML....Please Some More Laxatives.

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