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Profound young lady

ClaytonE83 7 Nov 5
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I don't think this is true. I think this is a way to hide from the anxiety. Death is the absence of life. I have absolutely no way to comprehend what death is. If you try and think about what it is to be dead, you inevitably think of something, and that's not death. Death perceived, is anxiety, and I am afraid, and I have no desire to give up on life. My worst days are at the very least something, and something is preferable to death. Once I'm dead, I'll be gone, and I'm not ready for that, and I hope I never am. I'm ok with fearing nothingness, this anxiety about death forces me to make this something as good as I can. Never let go of your anxiety about death, just don't get consumed by it.

paul1967 Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

I didn't ponder on the quote too much considering the meme is facetious. But i don't see a problem with the basic logic of the quote. I think I see what you are getting at though. But I'd prefer to be free of anxiety.

@ClaytonE83 I don't live in the anxiety I use the concept of death to remind myself when I'm deeply depressed that life, as hard and painful as it can be at times is speckled with wondrous awe. On the whole, it's up and down and all around, but it's life. If I let go of that anxiety completely, I lose that perspective, and in my most profound moments of depression, I have nothing to pull me out.


Then the cameras roll ...

Umbral Level 8 Nov 5, 2018

Yeah, like Honey-boo-boo even has half those words in her vocabulary. & the ones she does, I bet she can't pronounce correctly! & her Mother is even dimmer than she is!!! Very shallow gene-pool!

phxbillcee Level 10 Nov 5, 2018


I never watched her show either...

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