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The struggle of not saying the wrong thing on Thanksgiving.

pan_heathen97 7 Nov 22
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So glad I don't have to deal with this shit. That nugget has been thrown out there years ago.


I glad I had to work today.. Js

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 22, 2018

Tell them that right before they say grace or whatever they call it


Why is it that we non-believers are the ones who are expected to not piss people off?
Fuck that. I'm sick of it.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 22, 2018

Because we automatically have no morals, and are already the baine of society?

@TheGreatShadow Says them. Again, fuck that.

@KKGator Sadly, that's what they think. Doesn't matter if you volunteer at a soup kitchen, build homes for the homeless, help a Vet go through hard times. Matters not.

@TheGreatShadow I don't care what they think anymore. I'm not hiding. I'm not going to "respect" their beliefs or practices, either. I only tolerate any of that bullshit because it's required by law.
They can believe whatever they please about me.
I already know they're worse for their delusions.

@KKGator Required by law?

@TheGreatShadow The First Amendment of the Constitution provides for the freedom to practice one's chosen religion. That law.

@KKGator It means freedom of religion, but it also means freedom OF religion.

@TheGreatShadow My point is, I'm an anti-theist. I detest all religion and think we'd all be better off without it. That said, I tolerate it because the law says people get to practice whatever religion they choose.
I choose to be rational and not believe in make-believe bullshit. I also don't like that make-believe bullshit is allowed to influence my life, so I get to speak out against it. Whenever the fuck I please, whether they like it or not.

@KKGator I myself am anti-theist, but consider myself spiritual. This isn't the Czech Republic. You can't go to jail for blasphemy.

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