7 12

No shit...

TheGreatShadow 9 Dec 7
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I am about half way there.


There is a house less than a mile from me very similar to that ,except they have more trees and paths .
Unnamed Road
Barton-upon-Humber DN18 6BA
53.657841, -0.458302
If you have google earth .I have not tried this before so please let me know.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Dec 7, 2018



@TheGreatShadow thanks it worked .I walked the dog passed this place quite often but never thought to Google it till now.


Or, go to the next "level"!

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 7, 2018

I'm sure that is approved by the housing authority. lol


Fuck yeah!!


That could be me

Zoohome Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

Or their hedge trimmers bit the dust. But that's just weird!

Wait! Maybe they like to nude sunbathe!

SukiSue Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

I was very seriously thinking about doing this around my house. My lawn is 1/2 acre. Can you imagine the maintenance? Plus I'd probably need a building permit, and it would take years. In a village of 600 people, EVERYONE knows when you are home, when you are not, when you go to the bathroom, what color toilet paper you use. Too many nosy people.

@TheGreatShadow I agree.

@SukiSue How big is the town/village you live in?

@TheGreatShadow about 5,000. But I am in a condominium townhouse project. We share everything. So there is no yard, no privacy.

I really want to get rid of my tan lines! ?

@SukiSue Shit, that's a booming metropilis compared to where I live. Nothing better to do that go to the bakery at 4AM, drink coffee, and spread gossip. I be there is something open past 9PM every day there...

@TheGreatShadow we don't have anything to remain open.. lol

@SukiSue I bet your gas station takes credit cards too...

@TheGreatShadow they do! Yay!

@SukiSue Ours doesn't You can get a fuel card from co-op. But if it's after 9 PM or before 6 AM, or a holiday when they are completely closed, good luck without one.

When people come from out of town I laugh when they try to use the CC at the pump. What do they think this is? New York City!?!?!?!

@TheGreatShadow hahaha! And we have a convenience store but it's closed on Sundays! How convenient is that?

@SukiSue There is a gas station where my mom lives that is open 24/7. The town is only like 4,500 people. It is always open. Where I live, the bar might close at 7PM. Closest thing to a restaurant we have. If the gas station is open, you will more than likely get old dried out pizza. Delivery? Forget about it!

@germangirl90439 Yep. Ever see printed toilet paper?


And you only need direct sunlight for a couple hours each day🙂

Haemish1 Level 8 Dec 7, 2018
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