I have a number of friends, both on this site & in RL, & the majority of them are female. I won't cease communication with friends & wouldn't expect a GF or SO to do so either. Even in an exclusive relationship, that means romantic actions are exclusive, not friendships & even teasing.
Of course... Lol
Expecting someone to cease all communication with members of the opposite sex seems controlling & a sign of major insecurity, to me.
@phxbillcee Ummmm... Take it easy lol
Meme is in reference to pm 's on the site here... You know, scammers lol
@Cutiebeauty Or, just "playas", or, as has actually happened, controlling guys.
That would be stupid (this applies to women as well) especially if it is not true. Starting a relationship with a lie is dishonest and counterproductive.
This applies to most men, but only a few women... That's reality....
@Cutiebeauty true, they know it.
@Cutiebeauty Maybe, but it has not been my reality.
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