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They are only memes

Captnron59 9 Jan 4
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I am a staunch LGBT ally, with quite a few friends who are trans, including one who occasionally sleeps over. Ron, you post a lot of memes that denigrate trans people. My first reaction was to scold you for being insensitive, homophobic, blah blah blah. But I quickly realized two things:

  1. I am not the voice of your conscience, and you are not going to change because some old fart in Hawaii thinks you're wrong.
  2. It's a fucking meme! If I don't like it, that's what the "Next Post" button is for. And most of the stuff you post is pretty darn funny.
    Just wanted to get that if my chest. Thanks for listening, and rock on!
Ludo Level 7 Jan 5, 2019

@Captnron59, I know some amazingly beautiful trans women. My friend is tall, thin, and drop dead gorgeous. She finds it annoying and frustrating when cis females get jealous of her. Bitch, you have a vagina! You don't want to be me! I wanna be you!
And I hear you on the gender fluid thing. I have several gender fluid friends, including two that I lived with my first 18 months here. After all this time, all that exposure, and all of the conversations, it still has me scratching my head sometimes. The pronoun thing still pisses me off now and again. Maybe I'm just old.


Here's a meme for most of the guys, & maybe a few of the ladies, to get "Hot & Bothered" by!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 5, 2019

Way too many serious people. Life is way too fucking short.


Can I get hot and bothered by a sexy meme ?


@MojoDave OK... Woohoo!!


Joke 'em if they can't take a fuck.

KKGator Level 9 Jan 4, 2019

Right?! Lol

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