Since Hugh Laurie is an open atheist I wouldn't doubt this is an accurately attributed quote.
Despite his appearances and acting role Hugh Laurie once played in a hilarious series Wooster & Jeeves. I loved this series. Funny thing but Martin Clunes also appeared in Wooster & Jeeves and then did the series, Dr. Martin. Funny how these 2 comic actors went on to portray really grumpy doctors.
Well, Jeeves & Wooster, but, anyway, also starred Stephen Fry, another hilarious atheist!
@phxbillcee You left out gay. He is my hero. He did a series where he followed Alex de Tocqueville and traveled to all 50 states. He has become an American presence with a much broader range than Huge Laurie. I have seen this piece and it is brilliant. @VictoriaNotes
@VictoriaNotes Did you watch the trailer I added above. This was the first time I learned of Stephan Fry. It's funny but I loved the series and Parvin hated it. What's odd is that she was an early elementary school teacher and got to think like a little kid and she loved corny, slapstick shows (her favorite of all time was Mr. Bean). I could never figure out why she didn't like this series.
@VictoriaNotes Victoria, I think we are having another of our/my communication glitches. I meant the one at the beginning. I really want to try and add some humor to my comments. Maybe it will show my other, less 'grouchy' side. []
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