7 15

Not sure why anyone would want to be like HQ and the Joker.
That shit was toxic AF.

KKGator 9 Jan 28
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I liked the Addams Family ORIGINALS.
I lost interest in the later Movie.
I don't think I finished it.
(Maybe it was a good day...and the Harley took precedence.)


Still trying to figure out this "relationship" between Joker and Harley.
Which one spoke French?


Even puts Bogie & Bacall to shame!

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 28, 2019

"Joker and Harley"?
Who's THAT?

At first, I thought you may be from overseas, tho the mythos has also spread there. Then I saw you were from Utah, & this question made a lot more sense! (Sorry, but,...)

@phxbillcee I'm almost 60.
Never heard of them.

@KevinAverett You never heard of the Joker from the Batman comics, movies, cartoons, TV shows,...???

Joker, yes.
Harley's, yes.
Joker on Harley? No.
Sorry...I'm old.

@KevinAverett The Addams Family was a television series that ran from 1964 to 1966.
It was also two films in 1991 and 1993.
It was based on a comic strip created by Charles Addams in 1938.

@KevinAverett The female character Harley Quinn was not introduced until '92, so is not near as iconic, but in the intervening years, & especially with the movie "Suicide Squad", with Margot Robbie, well,...

@KevinAverett & I'm five years older than you are!

I gave up on Batman and Robin in about 4th grade.
I guess I need to update.

Addams Family...I remember.

@phxbillcee I always thought she was a waste of ink in the comics. Definitely was unimpressed with Suicide Squad.


They were a hot couple!


Much more fun as an Addams


I agree with you!

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