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Every time my mom talks about seeing people build houses or other things out of old pallets, I send her this. ??

TDSkully 7 Feb 13
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It really is a thing!

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Yes, bonfires are quite fun and popular. ??


I actually have a shed built out of them. Damn near killed each other doing it but gotter done.

There was a glass company by my parents that threw out pallets that had usable 2x6’s. We built a shed out of them for a neighbor. I just get tired of people telling me I could build a 2500 square foot house out of them. Who has two decades to build a house?!? ??


Hey! I love pallets. So versatile! ?

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Agreed. You can warm yourself, cook, or dance around the fires they make. ??

@TDSkully Kill joy! Lol

@TDSkully and pile/stack them in all sort of ways


That must be a hot topic in your family.

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Bada boom, tsss! ??

It all over pinterest

@Zoohome, I’m aware. ??

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