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Is this a meme?

SpawnofSagan 7 Feb 13
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I think crabs could be badass. Not experienced though ?

Livinlife Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

no rulez is the best policy i find.


Yes! There is no definition of meme under which this does not qualify. I have spoken. My word is law....etc....

Source: Me!


I would say no. It looks like a bad cartoon with no message ,

freedom41 Level 9 Feb 13, 2019

Well that's just know...your

@EricTrommater Dude! LOL

@phxbillcee Fuck it man. Let's go bowling.

@EricTrommater As long as there's beer, too!

@phxbillcee you are speaking my language.


A meme can be pretty much anything that imparts information & is passed along. I don't believe there is a hard & fast rule or definition. Dawkins, when discussing what a meme was mentioned fashion, songs, jokes, etc. So, any picture can potentially be a meme, "A picture is worth a thousand words."

If you really want to be an "internet meme" purist, whatever that really is, good for you. Your particular definition does not rule the Group, tho. I'm sorry this disappoints you. Maybe you need to start your own Group???

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 13, 2019

I realize the definition of a meme is pretty fuzzy. But you’re argument is telling me that you’re “Intermission” is both is and isn’t a meme.
Which is it?!?!
Telling me to “Deal with it or leave” isn’t very diplomatic considering your only rule is no porn which is a fuzzy area as well.
Well guess which one I opted with...

Honestly, at this point...

@SpawnofSagan There's a meme for you!

@SpawnofSagan forgive @phxbillcee . We at "Memes R Us" have faced a lot of drama about what qualifies as a meme and have decided as a group not to encourage such speculation as it trends toward an ontological argument that ends with my getting sick of things and going on hiatus for several months and leaving poor Bill and @Michellegar1 holding the bag.

@EricTrommater This discussion started in my now "un-pinned" Post where I railed against arbitrary removal of Posts. I Posted two photos, Intermissions, & Spawns argument seems to be that without a caption they are not "memes". She actually "made" one into a meme because she added words to it. (In that case, my heading "Intermission..." should have qualified, but there really wasn't logic involved in this, anyway).

I had been very "diplomatic", even with her mistating my definition of memes on a number of occasions, & just pointed out to her that her opinion did not rule here. That she was free to have an opinion but that she shouldn't expect it to rule, & if she felt that strongly that she was free to create her own Group of "purist" internet memes, whatever the hell they are. I never told her to leave, but pointed out that she had that as an option if she felt strongly enough. By her logic it would be a "meme" in her eyes if I took a photo of starving children in Africa & placed "Cowabunga" on it! Voila meme!

I even have an idea for her new Group! She can name it "MEme-ardy", & not only would the Post have to be phrased in the form of a true meme according to her definition (whatever that is, she's never stated), but so would all Comments & Replies! It would be an interesting experiment, anyway!

@phxbillcee guilty pleasure time lol.


I think any picture is a meme these days.

brentan Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Are you in the right group? "Memes R Us" .....?


I guess so...

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