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Secret keeper?

Boomtarat03 9 Feb 22
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What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


In truth, a man could get away with having more than one woman...but only by being honest with everyone. Always, the truth will eventually come out.


Very funny. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 23, 2019

I am nobody's personal comedian / clown , Councelor , nurse , or mother . Ain't the 50s sweetheart . And the Man U advise here ain't a real man neither . Just a frog . Frogs eat flies . Let that sink . ?

Pralina1 Level 9 Feb 23, 2019

damn - now you tell me


What would a man do if the same woman does the first 4 choices??

Lllewis Level 7 Feb 22, 2019

Oh, that's a good one!

Yeah, that's gonna happen! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

@Sticks48 just depends on what side of the bed we wake up on, depends which option you’ll get that day ??

@Lllewis I will buy that. I learned in my twenties not to try to figure out what women are going to do. Like the rest of my life, l just take it as it comes. 🙂

@Sticks48 we’re our own little mysterious creatures who can surprise ourselves every now and again ??

@Lllewis How well l know. It is nice to hear a woman say that. I have never had a problem accepting my gender is not always easy to deal with for different reasons. Too many folks look at these differences as flaws instead of differences. That point of view will get you know where but disappointed in the the end. IMO...Of course I could be wrong. I am a guy. 😉

@Sticks48 well said everyone is different in a way but if everyone was the same the world would be very boring.......but as you said your a guy so your most likely wrong ?????


Where does a guy that only wants ONE, "fit in"?

He is the winner!

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