6 24

Hi. I'm a bad person. I've been taking myself too seriously lately, and I need to wash my brain out with memes.

(No really, I am a bad person: just wait til you see the shit I'll laugh at...)

Here, have a meme...

(My meme game is weak; just ask Eric. I'm here to lurk.)

stinkeye_a 8 Feb 24
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You got that right!

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 25, 2019

Finaly! Like minds!

Mokvon Level 8 Feb 25, 2019

If you really are "bad", what we here call twisted & funny, then you will have a lot of fun & occasional outrage! The only things to remember; the rules are fluid & arbitrary, Eric makes the rules (which explains the former), any personal porn must be PM'd to me first for vetting, &... The latter meme refers to "snitching", crying, PMing Eric that you're offended, expecting to have things go your way in a thread & Blocking the Staff! Strap in!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 24, 2019

I dare you to offend me. Go on. Try. 😛

@stinkeye_a So, this is your dastardly plot to get me Booted!!! I think I'll just keep doing what I'm doing. I don't, as a rule, go out of my way to offend, but if a meme is timely, funny, possibly dank & morbid, & strikes me as worthy, I will share it here.

Also, give me time to find out what your weaknesses are, & I'll come up with a few just for you!


I am so honored when some people call me evil . I am like " doing good woman , doing good @?????

Pralina1 Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

I think I can get used to it ...


Very appropriate lol


Thank you for this!
I needed it more than you know!!!

KKGator Level 9 Feb 24, 2019

I know I probably piss you off with my rule-following, pro-social, use-your-manners bullshit. I probably owe you an apology for raising your blood pressure. Wanna seduce me to the dark side? You know I've always had a girl-crush on you....

@stinkeye_a You do not piss me off with who you are and what you do.
You do not owe me an apology for anything.
I think you're wonderful.
As far as the Dark Side goes, we have cookies and bourbon here.
Girl-crush is mutual. 😉

We also have coffee and dogs . Best f hell ever , please make room for an Italian Greek American mouth yaper !!!

@stinkeye_a, @KKGator, @Pralina1 Can you ladies keep talking "girl-crush"? Just a little bit longer, ...

@Pralina1 can possums come to this club too? I like the company y'all keep.?

@OpposingOpposum possums are so cute and lovable !!! Yes to possums !!!!

@OpposingOpposum I dig marsupials!!

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