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Reality sucks so hard! Adulting blows!

JazznBlues 8 Feb 25
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Too much reality for a Monday.


The truth hurts.


Welcome to America!!!

But for do you wanna know what sucks?
A prostitute.

Do you wanna know what really sucks?
A prostitute that cares!! ?

48thRonin Level 8 Feb 25, 2019

I work in big Pharma but thanks to programs like 340b, ppl can afford to live and buy their meds.

Why do I see all the news stories about people dying from diabetic ketoacidosis then? This is a serious question and not an attack.

@JazznBlues I’m not saying they aren’t

@sandrarocks83 Why are meds more costly in the US as compared to Canada? Or other nation states?

Do people know about programs such as 340b? Or are they only available if they can afford to see a doctor?

@sandrarocks83 fair enough. I looked up 340b and read about it till I got lost in the twists and turns of legal medical jargon. Missed your point and thought you were saying something else, my apologies.

@JazznBlues, @Science-guy I work inside a hospital where the govt allows for us to purchase our meds at little cost to pass on the savings. Maintenance and rescue inhalers, $15. Short acting and long acting insulin, $20 to $30. There are criteria to be eligible for the savings but I know it’s possible that this type of program be implemented everywhere

@sandrarocks83 I've worked in a hospital for 28 years and have not previously heard of 340b. I'm good friends with a director of pharmacy though and plan to interrogate him tomorrow. Updates to follow.

@sandrarocks83 well that is some good news. Living in Canada we often hear horror stories about the costs of US health care. We are a bit spoiled up here. I won’t travel to the US without travel insurance because an accident could end up financially devastating

@Science-guy you ain't wrong.

@Science-guy our government doesn't negotiate the prices. so they charge w/e the hell they want. it is counter productive. big pharma is a corporation, its main goal is to maximize profits. usa is its playground, and also were they make most of their product and money. people suffer = they get rich murika. I could go on and on lol

@sandrarocks83 I talked to the director of pharmacy and he confirmed my hospital uses 340b. He did say it's a pain in the but how often he has to resubmit to keep it current. Still it's nice to see something positive for those most in need.



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