Nothin' wrong with you!!!
Yeah, but we hope to change that!
@phxbillcee gawd I hope so
All in favor say 'aye.'
Tho, more likely, she, like the Normie in the film clip, will desert us, first!
@phxbillcee as Normies do.....
@phxbillcee the Scott Pilgrim reference is not Normie trash though....there's hope.
@EricTrommater I've never thought @stinkeye_a was trash of any kind. She's a classy lady, even if she can't Flame worth shit. (Tho @Pralina1 is even worse!) But she is def more Normie than our core. Maybe we can corrupt her! I volunteer my services to give her private lessons! It's a tough task, but I'm a tough guy!
@EricTrommater #One-Eye Wide Open
@phxbillcee Challenge offered: twist me harder than I already am.
@phxbillcee careful, @Pralina1 can roll with the punches pretty well when she gets her dander up....just saying.
I am defo NOT the beautiful, weirded out normie lady in that scene...
@stinkeye_a you poor devil....never saw it coming.
@stinkeye_a Stick around, it's inevitable!
@stinkeye_a & I find you beautiful in many ways, but, you are still more Normie than not compared with some of us!
@stinkeye_a, @EricTrommater Oh, for sure, but she can't Flame friends & gets upset when two Flame each other. It's that soft nurses heart, not a lack of a hard head!
@phxbillcee are you trying to get us reported as Nigerian scammers? How are we going to be able to use her account to transfer her millions of dollars of clean American money if you scare her off like that?
@phxbillcee I can destroy anyone who trashes my friends !!! Maybe not good on flaming for jokes , ok , not funny and such , but i am valuable and loyal friend. and man , I have a temper and some brains that when pair togheter can make morons cry !!! ♥️♥️♥️???
@phxbillcee I am working on it ! As long as I see u guys joking and loving I am ok !!♥️♥️♥️♥️We have so many good people and smart people here . It makes my day when u all laughing ??????
@Pralina1 I said as much, my dear! & the only way you could make me cry would be to leave me(us)!!! I've witnessed bits of your temper at times, I have no wish to be on the receiving end!
@phxbillcee everyone hear that?? Bill said he doesn't want any snatch!!
@stinkeye_a I have no idea what you mean!!!
Won't happen here, at least not for that reason. We're all weirdos on this bus!
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.