Hold my Beer!
Area of Texas: 268,597 square miles.
Area of Ontario: 415,600 square miles.
Area of Quebec: 644,000 square miles.
Welcome to Canada.
@Captnron59 Hell, it takes me that long to get to work on a good day, with no traffic. LOL
Take I40 over I10, at least you only get a portion!
Of course, then you wouldn't be able to visit @MichelleGar1!
@phxbillcee Aww!
@phxbillcee He would still have to drive up to I-40 by taking I-20 to Midland then drive up to Lubbock on some small highways, then drive further north to Amarillo to get to I-40. If he takes some side highways he can catch I-10 near Kileen and drive to Las Cruces NM to drive to I-25 North to Colorado
Not a big deal at all, just want to get out of the damn state!
@Captnron59 you're right!
@Captnron59 Ugh! At least you don't have to anymore! I like the scenery from about Abilene to Dallas
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