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Easter is around the corner.

WonderWartHog99 8 Mar 20
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Run Away... Run Away!!!

scurry Level 9 Mar 21, 2019

Arg, it's the killer bunny

@WonderWartHog99 Exactly!!!!


Reminds me of this really bad B horror flick I saw at the drivein many moons back.. Night of the Lupus.. giant rabbits eating people.. fun shit.

Night of the Lepus

Lupus is a systemic autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs.

@WonderWartHog99 I saw many yrs ago and wasn't even sure on the title but you get the jest of it anyways.. I am not the grammar police. But that post looks like it could come out of that movie.

@mistymoon77 Your reply baffled me because the disease is also known as "the bite of the wolf." Those who have it, often have marks on their skin that looks like a wolf bit them. I worked briefly with a fund raising organization to eradicate that disease. Any excuse to get out of the house.

There are people (including myself) who enjoy having friends over to watch badly made movies. We pass the jug/bong and laugh at how badly they were made. Advice on any exceptionally bad movie that has passed in obscurity is worth hunting down. A misspelling of a word in the title screws us over.

My favorite in the group is The Terror of Tiny Town the only all midget musical western. Once you've seen it and rolled under the sofa laughing, you'll understand why they only made one all midget musical western. It wasn't supposed to be funny. The all time life time winner of the golden turkey is Plan Nine From Outer Space.


commercial holidays, candy companies gotta make that nut

Buying new children's clothing for church is right up there.


But I like Easter, it's the only time of year I can find chocolate bunnies. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I can find chocolate bunnies year around at a discount warehouse (Russell Stover) in Anderson, South Carolina. It's about twenty miles away from me.

Come visit and take Petunia with you. She's in love with the phrase "discount chocolate."

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