I did a lot of research on this (as a NYS certiified health teacher).
There's a good reason we're trending toward obesity....and it's not our faults...it's our parents.
I don't say they did it intentionally...they did the best they could...don't resent them, or be angry with them.
.I think today's parents know better...but...
Basically research has proven (see the CDC link) that before we could walk and talk, our parents gave us certain treats to quell our upset situation. Some ignored them, let us cry. Others gave us healthy snacks. Still others gave us junk food.
....so our addiction to either shove food in our mouths...or suck thumbs...or do none of that....was established before we could walk and talk.
This is why dieting is so tough....
So...for personal reasons...(my pre-pubescent addiction) Ima still be fat this summer.
I won't. I've never allowed myself to hit 170.
Nope. Skinny bitch. Hate me.
Skinny or slender? Both are far healthier and sexier that obese/overweight. Nope....not a bitch...
I think all shapes and sizes are sexy. To each their own. ?
Pleasantly plump? Voluptuous? Temporarily storing excess energy? Sure.
Fat? Nah...
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Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.