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Sickening but not surprising

bookofmorons 9 Mar 28
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Drain the swamp

Rudy1962 Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

I'd like to see any of these fuckers live on a budget they are proposing to cut from the groups they want done away with. Not one could do it. All these white upper class could care less what happens to the middle to lower class people who actually voted for them. It's fucking disturbing and disgusting to say the least.


It's on Lake Macatawa in Holland, Michigan, if anyone is "interested"...

Kynlei Level 8 Mar 28, 2019

Can we PLEASE be a little more faithful to the truth here?

DeVos has proposed cutting funding to the Special Olympics, as well as other
programs that are focused on special-needs students.
Her proposed cuts to the Department of Education's budget, are contingent upon the passage of 45's proposed budget.
Her cuts are not going to happen.

45's budget is basically going to be dead on arrival in the House.
A number of Congresspeople have come out and said that his budget is
DOA. NONE of budget proposals have been passed, nor is it likely that they will be. When the budget is rejected, each funding request has to go to the committee that handles those requests.
Congress holds the purse strings, not DeVos, and not 45. Unless of course, he declares a "national emergency" and starts robbing Peter and Paul to build his wall.

That said. DeVos is scum, just like her boss.
She bought her Cabinet post and should be run out of town on a rail.
I hope all her houses burn to the ground. Along with her boats.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

its the mere fact that she would propose such an outrage

@bookofmoron It's 45's budget, and his "administration". She's just a mouthpiece for what he wants to do.
She's vile, to be sure, but she's not smart enough to come up with this stuff on her own.


She would no clue how to deal with the lower class or people with special needs. All people need to be respected.

freedom41 Level 9 Mar 28, 2019

You left out an a in palace,

glennlab Level 10 Mar 28, 2019
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