10 8

Don't forget the raw egg!!!!!!

KingofHarts 7 Apr 3
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I think this goes here too...


I want to bring a hard boiled egg to see what happens.


Seems like a strange pick up line

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 4, 2019

Glorious stupidity .

Pralina1 Level 9 Apr 4, 2019

Hot! Not! Lolol

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 3, 2019

I think the egg that he is referring to is not one that is laid by a chicken.

I never thought of that. How do you suppose a lady could prove her egg is raw?

@SiouxcitySue I suppose getting pregnant would do the trick

@RobertMartin This is all very confusing to me. Do you suppose he wants a stork egg?

@SiouxcitySue maybe

@RobertMartin Aren't they all in Austria or Acapulco?

@SiouxcitySue I'm thinking he wants to impregnate as many women as he can. In many African countries the number of children a man sirens determines his status as a man.


this is wrong on so many levels. First, if admission is free why the raw egg? Does this mean that every Thursday at 4 pm, if I show up with a raw egg I will get pregnant in 90 days or 90 Thursdays? Do I have to go to Port Harourt (Nigeria) every week? Why is there a Japanese area code associated with this? Come to think about it, I don't want to get pregnant anyway. I think I'll go boil up some eggs for egg salad.


I am sure I will bring my raw egg! LOL

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 3, 2019

Oh FFS!!!

KKGator Level 9 Apr 3, 2019

And who could refuse the love eyes on the pastor

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