5 18

It takes soo little to lose everything . Your dollar won't save nothing but won't hurt either .

Pralina1 9 Apr 5
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Wow, excellent cartoon!


I'm not a fan of giving to pan handlers. Here in Fla we have organizations to help the homeless. They monitor the homeless to be sure that drugs and alcohol aren't
available. No such control exists on the street. My opinion is that 1) we don't know the panhandlers are homeless 2) giving freely just encourages more panhandlers. We now have them on every major intersectionin Tampa. 3) I think much of the giving occurs to help the giver feel good about themselves, rather than to benefit others, altho few would admit that.

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 5, 2019

If you had a panhandler at a stop sign hold up a mirror to you, do you think you would give them more?


Usually at busy intersections and freeway exits, I'll give a homeless person a dollar or two. I know it's not much, but I'm sure every little bit helps.

Me too!


I carry $5 gift cards and spare new socks in my car for just such occasions.
Ya never know who you're going to meet and who might be in need.
Many of us are a single simple crisis away from needing help ourselves.

scurry Level 9 Apr 5, 2019

I love your idea. I will do that, too. (I was very close to homeless myself at one time and have recovered. A humbling experience.)

I love u . U just gave me a great idea . So glad I posted this , man , I like this site . What a great idea . U r right . Any of us can be in any terrible position . Any serious med bills can make u lose a house , a job , even a family . U never know . Yes .

True!! So true!

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