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This is epic! ???

AurumTechie 6 Apr 13
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Who are you people?

@William77 No wonder I was confused. American media rarely says anything about Indian elections until there is blood shed.

@altschmerz American media barely mentions European politics until one of their leaders is facing off with Trump. We are terribly uninformed about Ethiopia or the Republic of Chad. Especially Chad. I generally find my countrymen have no clue Chad, a country the size of Texas, exists.

When I get a pen pal outside of the US, I follow their politics from an on line source from their country. If I was a pen pal with William77, I'd be reading the Times of India. I do that so I at least have some background on what my pen pals are talking about. Some of them make a point never to refer to their government because they live in a dictatorship.

The internet has been an eye opening window on the world for me.

@WonderWartHog99 American media rarely says anything about anything other than trump and his twisted cohorts. I've become a fan of Free Speech TV (FSTV) because they don't fall in line with the trump frenzy. Some thoughtful anchors from other perspectives - not alt right and not that other side.

@SiouxcitySue American media rarely says anything about anything other than trump and his twisted cohorts.

Fake news!

Local TV broadcasts spend most of their "news" on police reports -- the person you never heard of that shot someone you never heard of either -- fires, local sports and weather. By page two, there's no news about Trump in the newspaper. While Trump or members of his administration leads in the national TV broadcasts it's about third to half of their news coverage. Trump related coverage is never most of the coverage on National Public Radio . . . .

@WonderWartHog99 You're preaching to the choir.

@altschmerz William's in India?

Assuming he didn't lie massively on his profile, yes.

If I don't know anything about who's making the post, I float my mouse pointer over their profile picture until their basic information comes up. After doing that a few thousands times I've reached the conclusion that almost everyone is looking for love in this social media. Dam few of them are telling success stories. On line dating - blah!

I'm not putting looking for love in my profile. The wife looks over my shoulder once in a while at my big screen computer monitor.

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