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Oops! It's a spoiler, but not Game of Thrones!

Merseyman1 9 Apr 20
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Let's not hope they do a sequel anytime soon.


Thank you. Now I don't have to read it

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

and the testimony that he died is all by men! Not one woman writes one shred of evidence that this occurs!

Robecology Level 9 Apr 20, 2019

Correct, it's the Jewish community of the times, I guess all peoples in those days...

@Merseyman1 I did some research on your comment; and I discovered that one book - Hebrews - might have been the only one written by a woman!

From a Bible scholar, Roger Barrier;

"One of my assignments at Baylor was to translate and parse the entire book of Hebrews. One thing I noticed was that the Greek grammatical constructions, phrases and vocabulary were different from those used in Paul’s epistles. Hebrews just doesn’t sound like Paul’s writing."

"One strong contender for authorship is a man named Apollos (Acts 18:24-26) who was a well-educated Jew who powerfully preached Christ. What intrigues me is that a married couple named Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and gave him deeper insight and instruction regarding the glory and nature of Christ Jesus. In Greek culture and writing the man was always mentioned before the female. However, Dr. Luke was careful to consistently reverse the order (Acts 18:18-19) so that Priscilla’s name always precedes her husband’s. Priscilla was quite significant in the early church as a Bible teacher, church leader and preacher—as evidenced by, among things—that Paul left her and her husband to lead the church in Ephesus."

"Throughout history, especially in recent history, Priscilla has been suggested as the one who authored the Book of Hebrews. If so, she is the only woman who authored a book of the Bible. I suppose that in this life, we will never know for certain the real name of the author. But this we do know, whoever wrote this book about Jesus, certainly loved Jesus."


@Robecology interesting, thanks for the research!


One of the speakers at American atheist convention 2019 today said he was telling his seven-year-old son about the Easter story and when he got to the part where Jesus dies his son said but I thought they liked Jesus

GwenBFree Level 7 Apr 20, 2019

Smart kid.


But he comes back and kicks ass and rules forever and ever amen!

You can't beat a good script.

brentan Level 8 Apr 20, 2019

To quote Bones: "He's dead, Jim."

You must admit that's a different story..

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