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Religion = child abuse

Freefromgod 7 Apr 27
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Should be billboards across the country with this said.


When I see how children get abused with good intentions and others with bad intentions, I sympathise with the parents with good intentions and despair for all the vulnerable children.

brentan Level 8 Apr 27, 2019

Excellent reminder!

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 27, 2019

The religious indoctrination of children should be treated as felony child abuse.

KKGator Level 9 Apr 27, 2019

I completely agree!

There is some shit out there that abuses kids in brainwashing them with religion, I agree... I was just talking to someone the other day about that movie Jesus Camp. It so disturbing. If anyone wants to see a movie that shows religious child abuse, that would be the one to watch.

@mistymoon77 I can't watch that shit. I've seen more than enough of, in action, in real life.
I know vigilantism is supposed to all "bad" and stuff, but I kind of wish it were okay to go after these whackjobs and stop them from harming children. What they do is reprehensible. They must be stopped.

@KKGator oh I know, it just turns my stomach... myself as well in real life. Lived it. I would hop on that band wagon of doing em in just like poachers. Take no prisoners, off with the head I say.

@mistymoon77 I'm down.

@mistymoon77 I saw that about 10 years ago, a horror movie like none other....

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