3 16

This still makes me laugh.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 21
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Irresponsible you said? Hahahahaha!

MojoDave Level 9 May 21, 2019

Are they buying that flexible tubing, or just renting it?

Been there, done that.

Why? Durability test. Is it old plastic that will crack once it is in the ground?

Looks silly as hell.

probably good exercise as well.

@dartagnan6666 The good exercise is digging the trench for the pipe.

Funny you're using that reference, a neighbor/friend of mine is building his house, and he's at the point of creating a overflow drain for his rain catchment system that I am assisting him with, mostly the digging the trench part. This is on ripped lava, which is very strenuous, (and plenty good exercise) now we're at the edge of the ripped area, and entering the solid lava, having to rent a jackhammer etc.
Again, you can't beat the exercise.

@dartagnan6666 When I put in my drain pipe, it was a man, his pick axe and eye protection when I hit rock.

@WonderWartHog99 , pahoehoe lava is a step above rock. You can John Henry that shit with a pickax all you want. It ain't going nowhere without a jackhammer.

@Ludo There is a chronic shortage of lava in South Carolina so I'll have to take your word for it. I tend to hit basalt with a pickax whenever I try to put in a garden. The soil is red clay which turns into bricks during our frequent droughts. Once a three day hard rain falls, the brick turns into boot sucking mud.

Good news: the tomatoes love it.

What he said.


Me, too.
Always makes me think of my eldest nephew and his friends.

Okay, fine. It makes me think of me teaching my nephew and his friends to do this.
I'm a horrible influence.
We used to have burping contests at Steak and Shake, too.

KKGator Level 9 May 21, 2019

Sounds like fun!

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