Again, a gender generalization.
@BohoHeathen I understand but sometimes jokes have hidden messages.
I'm a little sensitive because my first wife was/is bi-polar. Talk about giving ulcers. Obviously, I didn't learn because then I hooked up with an alcoholic. I'm surprised my stomach is still in good shape.
@BohoHeathen Thank you, it's nice when people explain things. It's funny but one of the first words I learned (or was taught) in Farsi was fes fes su, which means slowpoke. I didn't see your comment as being snippy.
Yup..them butterflies turn into stomach ulcers a few yrs on down the road.
So,ya see a Man across the room at a party, the room spins, you get tunnel vision,suffering an anxiety attack,fearful of making the first move, and some other Woman has beat you to him? Then what? Find out where she parked and slash her tires? Hate mail?
"Butterflies,or stomach ache"? Instincts at work, and self preservation?
Plenty of fish . . . and how do I know that woman is not his wife. Just because I saw someone who excited me does not give me ownership, nor does a lost opportunity cause rage. Life happens.
You know, that may be true in every case. Some times it that really good kind of HBP that has you throbbing in anticipation and the rest of the time its that kind that brings on an immediate headache. I'm just sayin.
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